Izzy Brinsden

I have known Richard for more than ten years, both as a coach and as a friend. We first met when Richard started coaching a group of junior athletes, including myself, at Epsom and Ewell Harriers. When I moved away to university, we stayed in touch and a couple of years later Richard became my lead coach. Richard's coaching style is collaborative, rather than directive and the relationship we have is a partnership. We discuss my training together, agree goals and 'negotiate' where necessary (usually when I need to be reigned in!). Richard has taught me much, in particular the importance of listening to one's own body. He is a strong believer in developing training that is unique to the individual and never takes a one-size-fits-all approach. Mutual understanding, respect and trust between us have been key in my development and success as an athlete.

As well as working together as athlete and coach, I have also supported Richard at a number of training camps as an assistant coach. Working with Richard in this capacity has helped me to develop my own coaching style and his passion for coaching and running is infectious. Regardless of age and ability, people always leave these camps feeling inspired, motivated and supported by Richard who always encourages people to stay in touch.

Richard is easy to talk to and easy to get along with. We can spend hours together discussing running, training and life in general. He always listens without judgement and as our relationship has developed over the years, he has been able to offer guidance in all aspects of my life. I am so grateful for Richard's coaching, support and friendship.


Get in touch

You can call Richard on ‭07917 044063, or you can fill in the form below.
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